Marketing with merchandising and MOPP's - stories
A coherent marketing concept
A well adjusted marketing concept has the potential for high perceptibility, through reaching attention. Continuously growing fanbase included. Accordingly the popular MOPP's logo will be visible on a wide variety of merchandising products. Some of which can be purchased, while others availability remains for the purpose of sales promoting actions only.
We are addressing different groups of consumers. Future customers
- who like our MOPP's logo in retro-style anyway
- who possess an outstanding, dry personal humour
- who are indeed fans of pugs as a dog-breed
Regionally different advertisment
In Germany we do plan to advertise MOPP's as an "original product of Frankfurt am Main". Starting with leaflets and pictures, moving on to posters and placards. In the neighbouring Rhine-Main area and Frankfurt am Main itself, motifs of personalities, individuals with striking features and eccentrics from our hometown will take a leading role. While in other parts of the country etc., their very own regionally typical individualists will be on display as main feature.
The unbelievable MOPP´s Tales
Advertising efforts will be accompanied by utterly unbelievable and at the same time extremely brief shortstories. Partly illustrated with sporadic cartoons. These stories are altogether made-up to the last and most obviously so for all readers. Nevertheless, they will be rather colourful and amusing, whereby raising expectations for the following installments.
Aforementioned MOPP's Tales, nonsensical absurd MOPP's stories, will be numbered in continuation. We expect those to soon gather their own friends & followers around them, who will start collecting the selfsame. Newly written MOPP's Tales will be eagerly awaited, followed and read in the course of advertising campaigns. Thus the general level of attention will be significantly raised.
MOPP´s Tales - MOPP´s stories as special edition
After appearing in sufficient number, MOPP´s Tales can additionally be published in print as a thin volume or even audiobook. Thereby serving as well as an aspect of marketing campaigns.
MOPP's Tales No. 1 
"In southern England a woman was being watched as she was experiencing a daydream. With closed eyes she saw how an other woman who flew, herself as pilot, an open-top convertible jet aircraft headlong and while still floating quite slowly remained at ground level. While doing so the pilot suddenly took off her head, held it during full flight outside of the cockpit and waved with the selfsame. She did a few loopings and landed a short time later safe and sound on a little airfield nearby. There and then the head was once again on her neck and the pilot herself utterly unharmed."
MOPP's Tales No. 2 
MOPP's Tales No. 3 
Well, did we wet your appetite?